Saturday, January 29, 2011

Incredible Few Weeks...

These past few weeks have been quite interesting: Our first Wesley work week shifted a full seven days to start on MLK as Athens completely iced over for the students' first week back to UGA (we follow UGA's schedule). That made for quite a start to the semester as we hit the ground running with all the craziness of trying to schedule discipleships, get our services running, and adjust our plans to the lost week.

This semester I am taking a class called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (, put on by a locally based Missions group. Meeting on Thursday nights has been fantastic; I am learning (and reading) a ton, and to have homework again rekindles an old love/hate relationship which God is using sharpen me as I try to figure out how He wants to use my life to take the Gospel to the Nations.

Though making it an exhausting week, we had an incredible fellowship event last night called Freshley Gameshow Night. Freshley's Best Dance Crew, Project Runway, Family Feud, and various Nickelodeon gameshows were among the many featured, and freshmen, leaders and staff all enjoyed an incredible time together.

At the moment, I am at 2Story Coffeehouse working on my message for Monday night. I will be speaking on how God uses the people you would least expect to shape the history and destiny of His kingdom. It all makes for a busy yet exhilarating couple weeks, but I love it. Love you all.

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